Using Duplicator – WP Migration Plugin

Documentation Duplicator Documentation

How It Works

Duplicator creates two files:

  • Installer File — Short PHP script to install the new WordPress site
  • Archive File — Archive (zip format) of the original site.

You create a folder (or sub-folder) where your new site is to be located, and upload (or FTP) the above two files into the  new folder, then just RUN THE INSTALLER.

It’s Not as Complicated as it Looks

Duplicator seems complicated because it has these things called PACKAGES, but you only need to create one package and run it.

  1. On the WordPress dashboard select Duplicator and then click on Packages.
  2. Click on the CreateNew button and give the package a name.
  3.  Accept all defaults and click Next at the bottom of the page.
  4. On the next page click Build.
  5. Duplicator will present you with a dialogue to download the installer and archive files to your local computer.  Do so.

Create a Database for the New Site

In CPanel (or using some other method) create a new database along with a username and password.  Save this information for when the installer requests it.

Upload the Installer and Archive and Run the Installer

Upload the installer and archive files to your new site directory and run the installer from your browser.  Upon request, provide the database name and credentials.












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